ゴールドウインは「GREEN IS GOOD」というコンセプトのもと、製品回収の「GREENCYCLE」、環境負荷の低い原料調達「GREEN MATERIAL」、そして長期間着用を目指した「GREEN MIND」の3つを柱にプロジェクトを運営しています。BRINGへの参加により、GREENCYCLEにおいて回収された衣料品のうち再度着用することが困難なポリエステル製品が、当社の技術により再生ポリエステルの樹脂にリサイクルされます。そして、その樹脂から製造された再生ポリエステルを用いてスポーツウェアに生まれ変わらせる予定です。
GREENCYCLEの回収はTHE NORTH FACEやHELLY HANSENのショップを中心に全国54店舗で実施されており、取り組みの拡大を目指していきます。
On February 1st 2018, the Sportswear manufacturer „GOLDWIN Co. ltd.“ (Located in Tokyo Shibuya-ku Shoto, CEO: Akio Nishida) will begin participating in the BRING recycling project , which is operated and developed by JEPLAN (located in Tokyo Chioda-ku Kasumigaseki, CEO: Takao Masaki).
Under the concept „GREEN IS GOOD“, GOLDWIN is operating three projects: The „GREENCYCLE Project“ for the collection and recycling of clothing items, the „GREEN MATERIAL Project“ which includes the material procurement with low environmental impact and the „GREEN MIND Project“, for the research in clothing items with a long lifetime.
By participating in our BRING Project, we will be able to recycle polyester clothing collected in the „GREENCYCLE Project“. By using our newly developed chemical recycling technology, the clothing will be turned into Polyester Resin. This will then be used again by GOLDWIN to manufacture new sportswear.
The collection project „GREENCYCLE“ will be first carried out in 54 shops of THE NORTH FACE and HELLY HANSEN, but is planned to be expanded in the future.
CEO: Akio Nishida
Business information: sportswear manufacturer
Location: Tokyo Shibuya-ku Shoto2-20-6
URL: http://www.goldwin.co.jp/corporate/info
CEO: Masaki Takao
Business information: Development and operation of BRING Project
Location: Tokyo Chioda-ku Kasumigaseki Building 25F
URL: https://www.jeplan.co.jp