日本環境設計株式会社(以下、当社 代表取締役社長:髙尾 正樹、所在地:東京都千代田区)は、フランス発のアウトドアウェアブランドPICTURE(ピクチャー)と連携し、当社が企画・運営を行うリサイクルプロジェクトBRINGをPICTUREのフランス国内10店舗において期間限定で実施いたします。
PICTURE はフランス発のエコ・フレンドリーブランドとして、全商品をリサイクルやオーガニック、植物由来といった環境に配慮した素材を採用した商品展開をしています。今回、1月21日から1カ月間フランス国内のPICTURE 10店舗で行うBRINGでは、PICTUREとBRINGのダブルネームの専用回収BOXを店頭に設置して着なくなった服を回収し、フランスの消費者からの反応や集まった素材のリサイクル性を調査します。
JEPLAN, Inc. (“JEPLAN;” CEO: Masaki Takao; Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) is pleased to announce that BRING, a recycling project planned and operated by JEPLAN, will be implemented in collaboration with PICTURE, a French outdoor wear brand, for a limited period at 10 PICTURE stores in France.
PICTURE is an eco-friendly brand from France that uses environmentally friendly materials, such as recycled, organic and plant-based materials, in all of their products. Under BRING, which will be implemented at 10 PICTURE stores in France for one month from January 21, dedicated collection boxes bearing the names of both PICTURE and BRING will be set up in front of the stores to collect clothes that are no longer worn, and the response of French consumers and the recyclability of the materials collected will be examined.
This initiative will be implemented as part of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s project viability study for the overseas expansion of quality infrastructure in FY2018 (secondary offering), for which JEPLAN was selected last year, with the cooperation of TECHTERA, the textile innovation cluster based in Lyon, France.
For further information,click on the links below
BRING and French Outdoor Wear Brand “PICTURE” to Collect Clothes at 10 Stores in France