リサイクルインフラの構築、運営事業を手がける日本環境設計株式会社(東京都千代田区霞が関 代表取締役社長 岩元 美智彦)は、
第5回 PLA-PLUSプロジェクト(平成27年度実施)
・実施期間 :平成28年2月14日(日)~平成28年3月14日(月)(企業により異なります)
・対象製品 :使わなくなった文具、おもちゃなどのプラスチック製品
・参加方法 :
2.プラスチック製品を回収場所に持ち込む (ハチくんが目印です)
・回収実施企業数:42 企業・団体 ( 1月18日時点 )
As our aim is to establish an circular economy, we will organize our most important project, the PLA PLUS PROJECT which will celebrate its fifth anniversary.
We will organize this project again under the survey of the ministry of environment for developed research in terms of "efficient collection and different types of recycling".
JEPLAN will integrate parts of the recycling infrastructure into the daily lives of customers, so they can easily participate in the recycling project.
In addition, we increased the number of recycling technologies and optimized our working process to be able to recycle plastic and then turn them again into different products. Currently we plan to introduce a new business model using this kind of recycling technology.
The fifth PLA-PLUS PROJECT(first introduced in 2015)
・Date: 2/14 (SUN)~3/14 (MON)
・Collection items: Household items, toys made out of plastic
・How to participate:
1.Collect household items which are no longer needed
2.Take the plastic items to the collection points (Bee character is landmark)
3.Put them into the collection boxes
・participating shops/companies: 42
For further information, please click on the link below (Only available in Japanese):