BRING™ supports artist yang02’s solo exhibition “Unknown Technics”
-Venue: agnès b. Galerie Boutique, Duration: during the exhibition – June 16 (Sun) –
-BRING™ collected used clothing as materials for the exhibits.

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BRING™, operated by JEPLAN, INC. (Representative Director, President, and Chief Executive Officer: Masaki Takao; hereinafter “JEPLAN”), sponsored artist yang02's solo exhibition ‘Unknown Technics’ (hereinafter “this exhibition”) (Venue: agnès b. Gallery Boutique, duration: during the exhibition - 16 Jun (Sun)) and provided clothing collected by BRING™ (used clothing) as material for the works on display.

Focusing on (post)capitalism, energy issues, degrowth, and the political and social impact of advanced technology, artist yang02's works have presented a new approach that considers the future, which is often thought of from a progressivist perspective, from a broader and more diverse perspective. This exhibition, the last in Japan before yang02's departure for the U.S., updates and consolidates the body of work presented since the Corona Disaster into a single theme, and the venue is comprised of six groups of works, including "Modern Spectator" and "A Device for "Graffiti" ".

BRING, a brand that implements the Circular Economy, is engaged in collecting unwanted clothes, converting them into recycled raw materials at its own factories using proprietary technologies, and manufacturing and selling apparel products made from the recycled materials. Through this resource recycling initiative, we are contributing to the reduction of environmental burdens. yang02, who is involved in creative activities that focus on social issues, sympathized with BRING's activities and used used clothing collected by BRING™ as supports for one of the works in the exhibition. This work strongly reflects yang02's background as a graffiti artist.

The JEPLAN Group will continue to work together with domestic and international partners to realize its mission of BRINGing everyone into circular economy, and the entire group will work together to drive the circular economy.


Artist Profile (

Born in 1984 in Kanagawa, Japan. Artist. He creates installation works such as a space where Segway can be viewed, a drawing machine using machine learning system, etc. He intervenes in existing dynamic products that incorporate today's technology or existing information systems, and combines and constructs them in a form of diversion or misuse. The works examine the public nature of advanced technologies and critique their political nature, how they affect society, and how they relate to human beings themselves. In 2013, he stayed in Barcelona and Berlin under the Japan Overseas Study Program for Emerging Artists. Recent major exhibitions include "Roppongi Crossing 2022: Coming & Going (Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2022), " Someone Far Away" (SCARTS, Sapporo, 2021), " Domani: The Art of Tomorrow " (The National Art Center, Tokyo, 2018), "Vanishing Mesh" (Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM], 2017), and Aichi Triennale 2016 (The Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Aichi, Japan). He has also collaborated with different fields on numerous occasions, including a performance work with contact Gonzo and stage design for the theater piece "Pseudoparasitism," directed by Nagara Wada.


Outline of "yang02/Unknown Technics”

Venue : agnès b. galerie boutique
La Fleur Minami-Aoyama 2F, 5-7-25 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Dates: May 18 (Sat) - June 16 (Sun), 2024 (Closed on Mondays)
Hours : 12:00-19:00
Cooperation : rin art association / BRING
Venue setup: Kenzo Kasuya
Publicity cooperation: YN Associates


About BRING™ (

BRING, a brand that implements the "Make Clothes from Clothes®" circular economy in society, collaborates with various apparel brands to collect used clothes. Clothes made of 100% polyester fiber are recycled into BRING Material™, a 100% fiber-based recycled polyester, using JEPLAN's proprietary PET chemical recycling technology, BRING Technology™, and are then reincarnated as raw materials for new clothes and other clothing. The material is then recycled into new clothing and other raw materials.


【The original press release is in Japanese】

【JEPLANプレスリリース】BRING™、美術家・やんツー氏の個展「Unknown Technics」に協賛.PDF

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