Bottle Business
BRING Business
We collect used PET bottles and recycle them back into PET bottles. The JEPLAN Group is dedicated to “Bottle-to-Bottle” resource circulation.

PET resin that circulates infinitely, like a helix
HELIX is a recycled PET resin created mainly from used PET bottles, manufactured through our proprietary PET chemical recycling technology. Its quality is equivalent to that of petroleum-derived PET resin, making it suitable as material for PET bottles and cosmetics containers. Not only that, but its recycled ingredients contribute to reducing environmental impact.
The brand name “HELIX” drew inspiration from the English term, as our vision for the product’s infinite recycling capabilities resembled that of an infinite helix.

Let’s Collect and Circulate PET Bottles
The JEPLAN Group collaborates with various municipalities across Japan to recycle used PET bottles collected from residents and regenerate them back into PET bottles. In order to promote this “Bottle-to-Bottle” resource circulation, BRING BOTTLE SPOT engages in information dissemination and educational activities through owned media.

Corporate Collaboration Consortium for Domestic Complete Circulation of PET Bottles
The BRING BOTTLE Consortium is a company collaboration consortium aiming for the complete domestic circulation of PET bottles. It works beyond the boundaries of individual companies to promote efforts toward the complete domestic circulation of PET bottles, contributing to building a circular society, reducing environmental impact, and raising environmental awareness among the general public by widely publicizing and disseminating these efforts.

PET Bottled Drinks that Circulate Over and Over Again
BRING BOTTLE WATER is delicious water contained in PET bottles that have been recycled at the molecular level using proprietary technology to remove dirt and impurities. We achieve resource circulation by recycling PET bottles back into PET bottles and returning them to the consumer market.

Related Topics

JEPLAN, INC. launches “Bee Mark Sticker Project” to Raise Bottle to Bottle Awareness

JEPLAN, INC. signs Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement with Yakumo Town, Hokkaido to Promote Regional Recycling and Symbiosis

Creation of “Nagasaki Tap Water,” an original recyclable bottle made from recycled PET resin, with Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, which is collaborating in the “Bottle to Bottle” project.