Board Member


  • 岩元 美智彦のプロフィール画像


    Michihiko Iwamoto

    Iwamoto holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Kitakyushu and has over 20 years’ of sales and marketing experience in the textile trading industry. He worked to establish the textile recycling system by collaborating with government, retailers, and trading companies. He then founded JEPLAN with a vision to realize a society where everything will be circulated with economic efficiency. Under his leadership as CEO of JEPLAN, the company has achieved nine consecutive years of profitability. Iwamoto published his first book “Business for creating ‘future without waste’” (in Japanese) and gave a presentation in Ted Haneda in 2015. He was appointed as the fifth Japanese Ashoka fellow in 2015.

  • 髙尾 正樹のプロフィール画像


    Masaki Takao

    Born in 1980 and graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Engineering in 2004. He then studied Technology Management for Innovation at the University of Tokyo and left school in order to establish JEPLAN in January 2007. He became a vice president and he’s been leading development of technology for the company’s fiber recycling business including the development of technology of cotton into bio-ethanol. As the company starts focus on the recycle of polyester, he became in charge of the development of polyester recycling technology and led a construction of our Kitakyushu Hibikinada Plant with our patented chemical recycling technology in 2015. He took over a role as CEO in March of 2016 and since then he has led an acquisition of Pet Refine Technology in 2018, as well as capital alliances with partners.

  • 藤井 理之のプロフィール画像


    Masayuki Fujii

    Born in 1966, he graduated from Doshisha University in March 1990 with a degree in economics. At Megafusion (now known as MegaChips) , he became an executive officer in charge of IR and finance. Concurrently serves as Executive Officer of MegaChips, in charge of business restructuring. Later, he transferred to MegaChips and became a director at the same time. He has dealt with a number of legal amendments and mergers and acquisitions, and was appointed senior managing director of MegaChips in 2012. Appointed as Director and General Manager of the Administration Department of the Company.

Director (Outside)

  • 井田 明一のプロフィール画像

    Director (Outside)

    Akikazu Ida

    Born in 1964, Akikazu Ida currently serves as Deputy Head of the Investment & Operation Headquarters at ORIX Corporation, engaging its principal private equity investments. With over 20 years of experience in investment banking, he previously worked at UBS Investment Bank and GCA Corporation where he served as a board director since 2019 until it was acquired by Houlihan Lokey. He graduated from Hitotsubashi University and earned his MBA from the University of Chicago. Appointed as an outside board director in March 2023.

  • 安部 寛のプロフィール画像

    Director (Outside)

    Hiroshi Abe

    Born in 1964. After graduating from Kyushu University, he joined ASAHI BREWERIES, LTD. in 1989. Joined Asahi Soft Drinks Co., Ltd., Beverage Research Institute in 1996; appointed Executive Officer and General Manager of Production Department in 2017; appointed Director and Executive Officer and General Manager of Research and Development Division in 2022. He has held key positions in the beverage business for many years and was appointed as an outside director of JEPLAN, INC. in March 2024.


  • 花井 強のプロフィール画像

    Auditor(Full-time, Outside)

    Tsuyoshi Hanai

    Born in 1971. After graduating from Keio University Faculty of Business and Commerce, he joined Ernst & Young ShinNihon & Co. in Octorber 1996 (currently Century audit Co.).In July 2010,he was appointed Certified Public Accountant Audit Inspector of Certified Public Accountants and Audit Oversight Board .In September 2020, he opened the office of Tsuyoshi Hanai, CPA, and was appointed as an auditor of the Company in January 2023.

  • 椿 勲のプロフィール画像

    Auditor (Outside)

    Isao Tsubaki

    He was born in 1948. After graduating from Chuo University, he registered as a certified public accountant in 1978, and in 1986, he became the president of CPA Office he founded. As a certified public accountant in 1988, he established Tsubaki Sogo Co. in 1999. He founded the Management Research Institute and became its representative director; he was appointed as the Company’s auditor in March 2016. In addition to the Company, he has served as an officer at nine other companies.

  • 藤川 義人のプロフィール画像

    Auditor (Outside)

    Yoshito Fujikawa

    Born in 1970. Graduated from Waseda University, Faculty of Law and Kyoto Institute of Technology, Department of Applied Biology Kyoto Institute of Technology. He belongs to Yodoyabashi and Yamagami Law Offices (Osaka Bar Association). His practice focuses on corporate law, including intellectual property law and corporate governance.

  • 八木 亨のプロフィール画像

    Auditor (Outside)

    Toru Yagi

    Born in 1985, he graduated from the Meiji University School of Commerce and joined Ernst & Young ShinNihon & Co. (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC) in April 2007. In September 2017, he moved to AGS Consulting Co., Ltd. In January 2019, he joined the Tax Accountant Office of Tomoo Udono and opened his own office, Toru Yagi, CPA, in the same month. In March 2023, he was appointed as an auditor for our company.